Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Wednesday, December 11th

1. R & C.

2. Finish you rough draft of your presentation outline. Show Mrs. Cole your completed copy.

3. Make sure that you have the works cited information for the Serial podcast. This will go on the bottom of your outline that you turn into me.  I am not giving you this one. As you look... make sure that it is MLA formatted.

3. Start writing your introductions and conclusions for your presentation. Considering your outline, which is the body of your presentation, you will be constructing a 30 second(ish) introduction and 30 second(ish) conclusion.

Introduction Goals: Hook your audience. Present your stance on your topic.

Your introduction should include 3 things:

  • A short, narrative story illustrating your argument. Think of a lawyer's opening statement. They often paint a picture of the situation of the case. We just listened to hours of images and situations being described to us. Select a short image to retell that illustrates your argument. Show-don't-tell. (Rubric's narrative requirement)
  • Why is this case relevant? Why should we care about either side on this case? 
  • Your claim... clearly stated. Emphasized. 
Image result for introduction presentation meme

Conclusion Goals: Emphasize the significance of your argument- Why does this matter? Emphasize the claim.

Your conclusion should include 3 things:

  • Re-emphasis of your claim/main argument. 
  • Why are your grounds relevant to the case and beyond. 
  • Revisit the story you started with in your introduction to emphasize why your claim has been proven. 
Image result for presentation meme

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