Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday, April 28th

Happy Tuesday!

This will be our last week of working with Things Fall Apart. FYI- After this week, there are only 3 weeks remaining of the semester.

For wrapping up TFA, we will be looking at GENRE (type or category). 

When studying most things in the humanities (art, literature, film, theater, music), recognizing the genre of the text, and knowing the standard practices or techniques of the type of genre, helps us understand it better.

For example:

If I saw this painting, "The Dance Class," by Claude Degas....

Poster Edgar Degas - The Dance Class | Boutiques de Musées

I would be able to "say more" or "understand more" about this piece beyond just seeing some dancers. By knowing that this piece is from the artistic movement (category), Impressionism, I can start looking for the techniques or goals of this movement to help me discuss or analyze this piece. Impressionism moved away from fine detailing to focus more upon the feeling or essence of scene captured. In this painting, I now look to the feeling the set up of the instructor's placement in the piece... and I go from there.

Knowledge of the genre helps with comprehension of the work. We know what to look for.. what to anticipate. . . what is important.

Yes, Things Falls Apart, is a fiction work. . . but it also has been considered a literary TRAGEDY. 

Aristotle's definition of TRAGEDY: Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in the form of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear affecting the proper purgation of these emotions.

This week we are going to look at the 2 TRAGIC FALLS that occur in Things Fall Apart.

- The first tragedy is the fall of Okonkwo    - The second tragedy is the fall of the Igbo Culture


1. Watch the Tragedy Genre Video. Take notes. Video found here: Why are Tragedies so Alluring?

2. Watch the application of tragedy to Things Fall Apart video. (This will be helpful in your assignment).

Video found here: Tragedy and Things Fall Apart

3. Complete the Tragedy in Things Fall Apart assignment. You will be creating 2, one-pagers. 1 for each tragedy in TFA.  You can draw thing and take a picture to submit, OR complete digitally. I have provided a very low-budget template for you to use, if you would like. Just make a copy for yourself. You can also draw on your own paper.. take a picture of your two, and upload them.

Choose one to be your fabulously fancy one... with pictures, colors, etc.  The second one can be bare bones...

Assignment sheet found here: Tragedy and Things Fall Apart One-Pager Assignment

4. Do the Friday Flipgrid- Wrapping up TFA. (Class links are in Schoology Folder).

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday, April 21st

Happy Tuesday!

We made it to WEEK 5! We are winding down on Things Fall Apart. Next week will be our last week working with this text. So do your best to finish up the book.. or as close as you can.

This week's skill we are going to be focusing on is CLOSE READING of a text.... taking small parts of a text and asking the WHAT, HOW, and WHY questions of it...

Definition: Close reading is thoughtful, critical analysis of a text that focuses on significant details or patterns in order to develop a deep, precise understanding of the text's form, craft, meanings, etc

Here are some good "how to" videos that demonstrate the process of CLOSE READING. They will talk through some strategies... plus show you HOW to perform a close reading on a literary text:

How to do a Close Reading

A Guide to Close Reading-Part 1
A Guide to Close Reading- Part 2

Assignments for this week: 

1. Important quotations assignment- The purpose of this activity is to interact with the text by analyzing significant quotes in order to explore the author’s development of plot, character, or theme, or other literary devices in the literary text. SELECT 4 of the provided quotes in the assignment sheet. Post assignment to Schoology.


2. The purpose of this activity is to interact with the text by analyzing significant quotes in order to explore the author’s development of plot, character, or theme, or other literary devices in the literary text. As you complete a reading assignment, note significant passages (try using stickies). You will choose one passage to ask questions about, and then you will answer your own questions. Post assignment to Schoology.

HERE IS THE ASSIGNMENT SHEET: Novel Questions Assignment Sheet

3. Extra credit- Friday Flipgrid. Teach ME something.... teach me about your favorite hobby.. sport... movie... song..  Post on Flipgrid- Class links are on Schoology.

Extra help with Part 2-
Here a list of PART 2 comprehension questions. These are OPTIONAL.. and ONLY TO HELP YOU THROUGH PART 2. You can look through these to make sure that you are picking up on the important plot elements in part 2. Part 2 brings about big changes in Okonkwo's life.

Part 2 Comprehension Questions- TFA

In Our Classroom

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday, April 15th

We are going to be working the literary device of THEME this week.

THEME- A universal issue and the stance or message that an author takes on this issue. 

1. Go through the following question addressing the issue of gender in Things Fall Apart. 
These questions are designed to get you thinking about how gender is addressed by Achebe. It will focus on a few parts in the text that are significant in considering this thematic issue... but there are more examples beyond these. 

Make a copy of this document for yourself. Fill in with ideas.. bulleted points. This is to get you generating ideas and examples from the text, which you will use later.  If you want to write these in your notes, this is fine too. You will not turn this in to me.

Gender and Things Fall Apart Questions

2. Watch the following video on THEME:  Theme Instruction Video
Take good notes.

3. Then, watch the following video on developing a thematic issue into a thematic statement: The Thematic Statement Video

4. Application of theme in Things Fall Apart- Assignment in Schoology.

5. Friday Flipgrid- Post in the correct class hour. (Links found in Schoology folder)
Theme is a universal issue and what an author's stance or message is on that issue. What would you identify as an overarching thematic issue of the last month in reference to our Sheltering in Place? Think.. thematic issues are family, love, loss, fear, anger, good v. evil, friendship, loyalty, etc.   So... what is a major issue that you have seen or witnessed in the last month... and what do you think can be learned from it?  Throw in some examples for good measure...  

Mmmm. Literary techniques. Do I need them? meme - Philosoraptor ...
The answer.... YES! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 8th

Historical Context and Things Fall Apart 
Consider the following like a conversation between you and me about this device and its application. 

Historical Context- The influence of a time period on an author and the creation of their text. 

Why should we consider historical context when we read? 

Think of the art, literature, films, etc. that will be inspired by this experience of world pandemic. Think of the feelings, fears. images, practices that are all a reaction to this history that we are living right at this moment. People write, create to provide their opinion, their take on their worlds. They write and create to provide warnings and advice. They write and create to emphasize what they believe needed to be noticed and not be forgotten.  In 25-50-100 years... what will the art, literature, films, non-fiction be telling us about this time? What symbols might come out of these few months? What thematic issue might be a common thread in these works? Isolation? Suspicion? Community?

SO... acknowledging all of this... thinking from the current time and projecting how a time period WILL impact literature and art... As readers, we can USE THIS CONCEPT to help us see more and understand more of the literature we read.  Historical context can help us identify WHY an author might focus upon what he/she does.  It can help us notice things (symbols, practices, themes, diction, characterization) that we might miss.

How does this apply in Things Fall Apart? 

If I am starting to consider the historical context of this book, I first think about when it was published. Ok... 1958.  Who is writing this book and where?  Well, Chinua Achebe is a Nigerian author from the Igbo village of Ogidi.  Also, while in college, Achebe was very frustrated with the manner in which Nigerian characters were presented in literature....  Might this be important? 

He chooses to set his novel in 1890- WHY? What does he want to show us about this time period? This was a very conscious choice...  So, what does Igbo life look like at this time? What is he trying to teach us?

What does Achebe want us to know about the Igbo people? What practices, events, traditions are important for him to represent in his book?  How did they tell their stories? What can we learn? WHY DOES ACHEBE want us to learn this?

This is just the tip of the iceberg with historical context and its application... but it gives you some questions to ponder as you read.  It can help us to understand why things are happening... what is the purpose... how does this contribute to the big picture. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday, April 7th

This week we you have been given the time to make sure that both Weeks 1 and 2 folders are complete in Schoology, PLUS continue reading Things Fall Apart.  If you have questions, or need ANY help on any of the assignments, please let me know.

Please compete the TFA reading survey found HERE: TFA Reading and Device Survey (also in email)

All week I will be posting support for the book here. These are supplemental resources... not assignments.

Things Fall Apart Chapters 1-13 Study Guide
- These are a handful of comprehension questions for each chapter. It would be a good idea to look over the questions, then read the chapter. Go back to the questions to see if you can answer them. This can also help guide what plot events to put into your notes.

New District Schedule... but we are still working on a weekly basis.
I'll still put things out on Mondays/First thing Tuesday .. you will have all week to work on the material.

No photo description available.

Easter Peeps Meme Generator | Peeps, Easter peeps

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Week 2 and 3 Online Learning- March 30-April 9th

 Hey My Sweet Kids..   We made it through one week! I am proud of all of us! Because I do not have the ability to see you... your faces... your eyes... it is even more important that y'all keep COMMUNICATING with me. If you are overwhelmed, worried, confused, PLEASE talk to me! I am here to support you. We have email... Schoology conferences.. Google hangouts...  whatever we need.

Just as we worked with characterization last week, the literary device we will be working with this week is HISTORICAL CONTEXT. 

1. Take the First Week online survey for me... just want to make sure you all are doing ok. I am also considering your feedback in planning in upcoming weeks. This is your check in for today (Monday).
LINK FOUND HERE: Online Student Survey

2. Please watch the short video on HISTORICAL CONTEXT and take notes on the definition and questions to ask. This is our skill we are applying this week.  Hit refresh browser if there is a problem moving on to next item.
VIDEO FOUND HERE: Historical Context Video

3.  Because we are working with another culture, it is important to be aware of how we discuss cultural practices that look differently than ours do, please do the reflective assignment: Language and Culture Awareness. Assignment is in Schoology. This is due by Thursday, April 9th.

4. Open and read through the Things Fall Apart and Historical Context Project. You will be constructing a Google Slide presentation demonstrating your knowledge of historical context and its application to Things Fall Apart. Please read through the instructions carefully. I have also given you a slide outline breakdown on this assignment sheet, if you need it.  This presentation is due on Thursday, April 9th  Just try your best.  LINK FOUND HERE: Historical Context Assignment Sheet Link

I have provided you multiple research links on the Igbo society. I have also given you a folder with links reminding you how to do MLA citation. I am available to help you through all of this. Consult the sites. Try your best. If you want to use a citation formulator to help you out, by all means do so. You have done all of this before. YOU CAN DO THIS!

5. Friday Flipgrid Reflection- Please do by Thursday, April 9th.

6. Continue Reading Things Fall Apart.  Just make forward progress. (Note.. no specific point in the book mentioned). Take notes on plot and literary devices to help your comprehension.

Jen Ellis on Twitter: "Sometimes you have to tell yourself "I'm a ...