Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tuesday, December 3rd

1. Argument claim practice-

Subject + attitude or belief + blueprint= Thesis/Claim

* Although the semester, by days, is technically shorter, first semester should end before winter break because of the interruption of instruction in close proximity to final exams.

* Though it is maddening, and often confusing, it is imperative that citizens of our country pay attention to the happenings in Washington D.C. because the practice of politics is surpassing the sturdiness of government.

* The most difficult aspect of being a parent is watching a child make decisions that the parent already can foresee a detrimental outcome.

A claim must be:
  1. An answer to an intellectual question.
  2. Arguable/debatable.
  3. Not a statement of fact (depends on the audience).
  4. Points the direction of your argument.
Arguable claims are truly analysis of a subject... How do we get our brains to analyze a subject to write an arguable claim? 

To make your claim arguable: 4 types of arguable claims
** This will help you look at a subject in a way that will allow for an arguable approach to the topic.

For further examples of claims.. what they are v. what they aren't: 
Claims, Claims, Claims Handout

Practice subjects:
Podcasts in English classes
Stream or theater movie
Topic of choice

Directions: Using the claim formula and the types of arguable claims, write a claim for each of the above subjects. Submit your 3 claims to Schoology. They are due today.

2. Continue work on Outside Detective Work project.  It is due tomorrow. You will present to your classmates tomorrow.

3. Make sure you are caught up on Serial Episodes 1-10.

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