Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday, August 25th

We will be working in small groups today. We will first review the small group expectations for this class. The goal is to populate multiple perspectives with a larger understanding of the text.

1. First, you will build a timeline of the events of the first 25 pages of The Alchemist. This is to ensure that most major plot actions are being noted.

2. You will go through the following discussion questions with your group. Take notes on your findings.

The Alchemist study questions (first 25ish pages)

1. Who is Santiago?  How is he introduced at the beginning of the story?
2. What is strange or unusual about Santiago’s dream? Do you think dreams have a deeper “meanings”?
3. What is the geographical setting at the beginning of the novel?
4. What do Santiago’s parents plan for him, and how does he change that plan?
5. What does Santiago plan to do in Tarifa?
6. Santiago stops in Tarifa to consult with an old woman about his recurring dream.  What price does she charge him?
7. Santiago meets an old man in the village.  What is his name and why do you think that the author would have included this name in the novel?
8. What does the old man in payment for helping Santiago?
9. How does the old man convince Santiago of his power?
10. How does the old man explain the concept of Personal Legends to Santiago?  Why does the old man believe that few people ever really attain their Personal Legends?
11. Why does the old man tell Santiago to follow “omens?”  Do you believe that omens exist?  Why or why not?
12. What does the old man take from the breastplate as a gift to Santiago?
13. The old man tells Santiago a story that concludes with the secret of happiness.  According to the old man, what is the secret of happiness?

Homework for Monday...  3. After having quite the discussion with your peers, and hopefully multiple additions to your notes I would like you to write down 5 revelations about The Alchemist from your discussion. What have you learned more about the book? The characters? The text's goals? The text's accomplishments? Your understanding?

Once these are IN your notes... please submit your list on a GOOGLE DOC in Google Classroom.  Please remember your MLA Heading!

4. Read to page 50 (Finish Part 1 of The Alchemist)

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