Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday, January 27th

Today marks the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz
75 Years After Auschwitz Liberation- NPR

Please consider following the Auschwitz Memorial on Twitter- @AuschwitzMuseum

Kobe Bryant's Poem- "Dear Basketball"

1. Independent reading.

2. Power and Machiavelli projects due at the beginning of class.

3. Read and TAKE CORNELL NOTES on pages 162-73. 

Ancient Greek Literature Introduction

Here come the GREEKS! Be ready for a quiz on WEDNESDAY! You will be allowed to USE YOUR NOTES... take good notes!

Note taking tips:
1. Keep in mind the purpose of the reading/lecture. What are you supposed to get from this experience? What does your instructor want you to know?
2. Think about what you need to know and what you can leave out of your notes. You need to be a good "sifter" of information. Think like a writer.. what functions as main points? What functions as evidence? Imagine the outline of this reading or lecture...
3.What stands out in the writing? Terms? Bold information? Lists?
 4. Look to transitions to help determine how information is working.
5. Try not to copy down things word for word. Summarize. Condense.
6. As you are shrinking down the ideas... shrink down your writing.  No need for complete sentences. Abbreviate. Use symbols.  (EXCEPT if you are copying a direct quote).
7. Reference page numbers often when taking notes from reading.

Stop every 10 minutes to process your notes.
You will then have 2 minutes to confer with a partner about the
notes they have taken, revising, adding to, deleting, questioning, and
clarifying what you have written.
Lastly, you will have 2 minutes for individual reflection and revision of the notes
before moving on.

EXAMPLE: I did the body of notes first. Then I went back and wrote questions.

FOR TUESDAY: Continue reading and go through the 10-2-2 process at least twice before class tomorrow.

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