Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 7th

1. Oedipus Rex literary argument paper due at the beginning of class today.

2. Start Shakespeare.
We will be discussing techniques of How to Read Shakespeare... reviewing over the Induction of Taming of the Shrew. 
How to Read Shakespeare- Handout

3. In Search of Shakespeare video. Take notes.

For Friday:
1. Read and take notes on Shakespeare Comedy- found under "Shakespeare Links"
2. Finish reading the Induction and start on Act 1. Take notes.

Comprehension questions- The Induction
Why has Sly been kicked out of the tavern?

1. What does the Lord discuss with his huntsmen when he first enters? What, do you think, is the significance of the discussion?

2. How does the Lord react when he first sees Sly? Explain two comments the Lord makes about Sly.

3. Explain two of the orders the Lord gives his men regarding their treatment of Sly (ll. 48-53).

Who is Whom? 
Lucentio becomes Cambio
Tranio becomes Lucentio
Hortensio becomes Licio

Comprehension questions- ACT 1 and ACT 2
1. Why has Lucentio come to Padua? What advice does his servant Tranio give him?
2. Why is Baptista allowing no suitors to woo his youngest daughter Bianca?
3. What does he ask Bianca’s would-be suitors?
4. What do Bianca’s would-be suitors, Hortensio and Gremio, plot to do?
5. What has happened to Lucentio by observing this scene? What does he want?
6. What do Tranio and Lucentio propose to each other in order to achieve Lucentio’s goal?
7. What story do they tell Biondello, Lucentio’s other servant, in order to keep Lucentio’s secret plan from
8. Why has Petruchio come to Padua?
9. How does Hortensio use his reason to further his own ends? How does he suggest Petruchio present him
to Baptista, and for what purposes?
10. Whom has Gremio hired to tutor Bianca in poetry?
11. Tranio enters as Lucentio, and the other suitors discover his intent to woo Bianca as well. Where does
Tranio invite all of the suitors?
1. Who is arguing at the beginning of the Act, and why?
2. What proposal does Petruchio present to Baptista?
3. Describe who has brought whom to tutor the ladies: who are the suitors? Who is in disguise?
4. What is the dowry upon which Petruchio and Baptista settle?
5. Who is injured by Katherina, and how?
6. Petruchio reveals his initial plans to woo Kate before she enters—how, in sum, does he intend to
counteract her railing?
7. Because of Petruchio’s declaration that Kate has agreed to marry him, what contest can then take place
before Baptista? What specific goods are put up as offers? What is Baptista’s final decision?
8. What does Tranio (disguised as Lucentio) do to satisfy Baptista?

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