Friday, February 24, 2017

Class today: February 24th

1. Turn in Propaganda work from Animal Farm. 
2. You should be up TO chapter 7 for today.
3. You need to be up TO chapter 8 for Monday, February 27th. (This should give you plenty of time to get caught up, if you are behind in reading)
4. There are 3 reflection questions on Google Classroom. Please respond thoughtfully to the questions. They are designed to have you think about what you are reading and the larger purpose of the book.

1. Why do you think that the pigs ascended (rise) so quickly to power and dominion (dominance) over all other animals? What key steps did they take, or more specifically, which elements did they make certain to control?

2. Although Napoleon is considered the absolute Leader of Animal Farm, it is Squealer who is most adept (talented) at conveying the "party line" (message of control) to the animals, often convincing them to disbelieve their own eyes. What methods does Squealer employ (use) to deceive and/or placate (ease the minds) the other animals?

3. How would you describe the governing system of the animals in Animal Farm? What does it look like from an outside observer? How do you think it looks different to those who are a part of the system?

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