Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Class today: October 12th/13th

Today you will be proofing the first annotation for your annotated bibliography. To do so, you will be learning how to proof efficiently and effectively. Proofreading is a critical exercise in becoming a skilled writer. As you are examining and assessing a partners work, you are forced to apply skills you have learned in this class in a high level of critical thinking. Not only does this practice reinforce these skills, it develops a sense of mastery. Writing essentially has three periods: Development, execution, proofing/editing. They are all three equal in significance. Take this practice very seriously.

1. With a partner, you will need to switch annotations. You will do this TWICE.
2. Open up the following document. COPY it to your own drive. Close my copy.
Annotated Bibliography Checklist
3. Read through the annotation, utilizing the checklist for techniques, etc. to examine/spot. Identify ON THEIR PAPER the error. DO NOT CORRECT IT. For example, if they have an error in the date format. Write "MLA error" and circle date. Do not, I repeat, fix it. If there are grammatical errors, identify the error such as "comma error", "sentence fragment". Take your time with this process.
4. When it comes to checking MLA, you are not expected to have it memorized. You have access to the OWL. You ARE expected to check it against the OWL. Do not ASSUME that it is correct. CHECK it!!!
5. Are they explaining fully? What aspects of writing are they missing?
6. When you have read through the first time, go through the check list. Highlight with each question, "yes" or "no". If you are not sure, you should be referencing the paper, again, as you go through the checklist. Because there are two proof readers, use two different colors.
7. When you feel that you have exhausted the entire work, share the document with your partner so they have the copy of their own checklist.

8. When you get your own paper back, review carefully the notes and the checklist. You will be using this to perfect the first annotation and to also build 2nd annotation.** Remember to alphabetize your 2 annotations!

The annotated bibliography scoring guide is found HERE: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Scoring  (You will only have 2 sources in your bibliography)

Your TWO annotations that create your annotated bibliography are DUE on Monday, October 17th. You will submit your bibliography to GOOGLE CLASSROOM. You will only need to submit the digital copy.    *** Please copy and paste your checklist document to the end of your Annotated bibliography.  Put it on its own page. Make sure the names of the proof readers are located on the document. 

By the way... 
Bob Dylan has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. 

Here is an article from the New York Times:
New York Times- Bob Dylan Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature

And... a video of Dylan's beautiful anthem "The Times They are a Changin'" (1964)

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