THEME- A universal issue and the stance or message that an author takes on this issue.
1. Go through the following question addressing the issue of gender in Things Fall Apart.
These questions are designed to get you thinking about how gender is addressed by Achebe. It will focus on a few parts in the text that are significant in considering this thematic issue... but there are more examples beyond these.
Make a copy of this document for yourself. Fill in with ideas.. bulleted points. This is to get you generating ideas and examples from the text, which you will use later. If you want to write these in your notes, this is fine too. You will not turn this in to me.
Gender and Things Fall Apart Questions
2. Watch the following video on THEME: Theme Instruction Video
Take good notes.
3. Then, watch the following video on developing a thematic issue into a thematic statement: The Thematic Statement Video
4. Application of theme in Things Fall Apart- Assignment in Schoology.
5. Friday Flipgrid- Post in the correct class hour. (Links found in Schoology folder)
Theme is a universal issue and what an author's stance or message is on that issue. What would you identify as an overarching thematic issue of the last month in reference to our Sheltering in Place? Think.. thematic issues are family, love, loss, fear, anger, good v. evil, friendship, loyalty, etc. So... what is a major issue that you have seen or witnessed in the last month... and what do you think can be learned from it? Throw in some examples for good measure...
The answer.... YES!
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