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Black History Month
TONIGHT! LSW Performing Arts Center. 7:00-8:30
How do I respond proficiently to this prompt?
- I briefly discuss what an epic hero is as a character.
- I restate the question and answer it as a declaratory topic sentence.
- I introduce the first trait of an epic hero that I feel best applies to Achilles.
- With my introduction of this trait, I explain what the trait means.
- I explain how Achilles represents this trait.
- Starting off with a transition phrase such as "For example," I, then, introduce a quote that demonstrates this trait. (Use a tag line... integrate quote correctly) Link here: How to Integrate Quotations
- I will then explain HOW this quote demonstrates this trait. (How I see the trait and quote connected).
- Next, I utilize my additive transitions to introduce a second trait (Furthermore, additionally, etc.) Link here: Transition words
- I repeat steps 3-7.
- I will, again, utilize my additive transitions to introduce a third trait (Furthermore, additionally, etc.)
- I repeat steps 3-7.
- I will wrap up with a concluding statement emphasizing Achilles' role as a epic hero.
- I have a MLA formatted paper- heading, header, and title.
- I have cited my quotations. Usually I would use line numbers, but for this version please write Homer and the section of lines your quote was found.
- I stay completely in 3rd person POV- no I, we, or YOU.
- I have capitalized all proper nouns. The Iliad is italicized.
- I have used transitions.
- I have introduced, cited, and explained all of my quotations. (I.C.E)
- I have made sure that I have sentence variation- (Try starting a sentence with an introductory clause).
- I have made sure that all of my sentences are complete sentences- no run ons or comma splices.
Response due to Schoology Thursday, February 20th by 7:30 AM.
Book 6 of The Iliad will be due by Thursday. (This has given you 6 days to read it).
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