I will be available for Titan Time for BOTH Thursday and Friday for extra help on your papers.. come on in!
1. Using your outline, you will start writing the body of your letter.
Skip over I on your outline and go right to II. This is drafting. It does not need to be perfect, you just want to get your ideas down on the paper.
Things to remember as you write:
- You are writing AS GHOBASH. It is first person point of view. You will use I.
- Establish a clear topic sentence for each section.
- Think about descriptive writing techniques as you write. Specific details. Imagery (show don't tell).
- Transitional techniques/words as you go from idea to idea.. example to example. Here is a handout showing transition words and phrases. Please use this. Transition Words and Phrases.
- When you provide examples make sure that you explain how they connect back to Ghobash's argument/stance.
- When bringing in quotes.. remember I.C.E. (Introduce. Cite. Explain). Do not just drop quotes into your writing. Must use a tag-line... Dr. Andrew explains, ". . . . " (33).
- Do you have 2 quotes from Ghobash? 1 quote per article?
- As you are writing... keep thinking.. "Is this related to Ghobash's point of view?" "Am I explaining HOW it is related to the point of view?"
Have the draft of your body of your letter done as much as humanly possible when you come to class on Thursday.
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