1. Take part 2 of EOC practice test. As you are taking the test, focus on the skill the question is asking you to perform.
When taking a reading assessment... THINK LIKE A WRITER. *Author purpose.* Effects of the writing choices. *Main idea. *Best support for the main ideas.
When you are done with the EOC reading test... look over the prompt for test 2 (Writing). Starts on 42. Prompt on page 50.
2. For TUESDAY, read through and review the following handout on BLENDED WRITING. EOC Blended Writing Handout.
The WRITING assessment will be asking you to demonstrate how well you can BLEND the major styles of writing: NARRATIVE. EXPOSITORY. ARGUMENT.
The DESE-released Writing Prompt SAMPLE:
You have read two passages discussing the U.S. highway system and other forms of transportation. Write an essay in which you compare the challenges and benefits involved in the creation of the national highway system to the challenges and benefits discussed in Secretary Chao’s speech, especially those related to advancing technology and the needs of the public. Incorporate material from both passages in your essay, citing sources either formally or informally. Your essay should blend writing from at least two genres (argumentative, expository, and/or narrative).
EOC Writer’s Checklist
- My essay has an effective beginning, middle and end.
- My essay flows smoothly from one idea to another.
- My essay contains a strong controlling idea that stays on topic.
- My essay includes specific and relevant details, reasons and/or examples.
- My essay uses precise and vivid language.
- My essay contains sentences that are clear and varied in structure.
- My essay includes correct grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
- My essay effectively blends at least two genres of writing (choose from narrative, argumentative and/or expository).
- My essay integrates material from both sources.
3. Keep reviewing the EOC QUIZLETS. After you have looked over the Blended Writing handout, review the 3 writing Quizlets.
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