Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday, August 17th


1. 1. First, a powerful voice and an even more powerful woman died yesterday- Aretha Franklin.
I encourage you to read through what this amazing woman challenged our country to "think" about considering how we treat each other. Aretha Franklin had Power: Did We Truly Respect it? - NY Times

Aretha Franklin- "Respect"
"You Make Me Feel"- Aretha Franklin
"Think"- Aretha Franklin

2.  Remember to complete the Yearbook survey, if you have not done so already.
Found here: Yearbook Survey

3. Annotating a text:

ANNOTATION: Taking notes or marking a text in a exploratory and meaningful manner. 
TEXT: Anything and everything

The big idea is this: what we do when reading should align with

1. why we're doing the reading in the first place and

2. what we're going to do with the reading after we're done.

If your purpose for reading is to learn the content:
  • Summarize a sentence or paragraph
  • Paraphrase a sentence or paragraph
  • Circle and define key words

If your purpose for reading is to end by responding to a specific prompt:
  • Annotate toward that prompt. 
  • If you’re being asked to evaluate, make evaluative annotations. 
    • Evaluate- form an idea about the text; assess
  • If you're being asked to analyze, make analytical annotations.
    • Analyze- examine methodically for the purpose of explanation/interpretation; study, scrutinize 
Today in class:

You will be constructing a written response to the following prompt: 
In what ways can you attempt to become the "(Wo)Man in the Arena" this school year, and why is this absolutely necessary as a learner? 

1. Google Document- MLA Heading
2. Reference specifically the Roosevelt quote, Brene' Brown, and a pop-culture example.  Cite Roosevelt and Brown with your specific quotes.  Ex: (Roosevelt) or (Brown)
3. Answer both parts of the question. 
4. DUE to Schoology by class on Monday. 

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