Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tuesday, August 29th

The Alchemist and Vocabulary and Connotation... a study in diction
For this reflection, you should choose the FIVE words from the first part of the book that you feel represent its key ideas that the book is discussing/presenting, so far.

For each word:
A.) The quoted sentence where the word can be found and MLA citation showing the page number
where it can be found
B.) A dictionary definition for the word (denotation)
C.) The connotative meaning of the word (look to figurative meaning)
D.) An explanation of why the word is important in this portion of the novel.

After you have completed this language study, please write a short reflective paragraph that explains what you learned about the book, language, writing from doing this exercise.

Upload to Google Classroom by class on Wednesday, August 30th.

Be up to page 87 for Wednesday. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday, August 28th

Remember the definition of one of our first literary terms- APHORISM and its 5 defining characteristics. Make sure that these are in your notes.

1. We are going to gather in groups of three and work to populate a large list of these aphorisms from the first half of the book.
2. all the while clarifying the fact that they are indeed aphorisms by the checklist you were given.
3. As you are discussing the defining principals of each quote, I would like for your small group to discuss the larger figurative meaning (non-literal) of the identified aphorism and ponder what it contributes to the larger meaning of the text.
4. The major points of your discussion will needed to be added to your notes. They will be helpful down the road.
5. Remember the small group expectations that Mrs. Cole has outlined at the beginning of class.

Homework for Tuesday:
 After having quite the discussion with your peers, and hopefully multiple additions to your list of aphorisms, in your notes I would like you to write down 5 revelations about The Alchemist from your discussion of aphorisms. What have you learned more about the book? The characters? The text's goals? The text's accomplishments? Your understanding?

Once these are IN your notes... please open up GOOGLE CLASSROOM and submit your list of revelations to me.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday, August 25th

We will be working in small groups today. We will first review the small group expectations for this class. The goal is to populate multiple perspectives with a larger understanding of the text.

1. First, you will build a timeline of the events of the first 25 pages of The Alchemist. This is to ensure that most major plot actions are being noted.

2. You will go through the following discussion questions with your group. Take notes on your findings.

The Alchemist study questions (first 25ish pages)

1. Who is Santiago?  How is he introduced at the beginning of the story?
2. What is strange or unusual about Santiago’s dream? Do you think dreams have a deeper “meanings”?
3. What is the geographical setting at the beginning of the novel?
4. What do Santiago’s parents plan for him, and how does he change that plan?
5. What does Santiago plan to do in Tarifa?
6. Santiago stops in Tarifa to consult with an old woman about his recurring dream.  What price does she charge him?
7. Santiago meets an old man in the village.  What is his name and why do you think that the author would have included this name in the novel?
8. What does the old man in payment for helping Santiago?
9. How does the old man convince Santiago of his power?
10. How does the old man explain the concept of Personal Legends to Santiago?  Why does the old man believe that few people ever really attain their Personal Legends?
11. Why does the old man tell Santiago to follow “omens?”  Do you believe that omens exist?  Why or why not?
12. What does the old man take from the breastplate as a gift to Santiago?
13. The old man tells Santiago a story that concludes with the secret of happiness.  According to the old man, what is the secret of happiness?

Homework for Monday...  3. After having quite the discussion with your peers, and hopefully multiple additions to your notes I would like you to write down 5 revelations about The Alchemist from your discussion. What have you learned more about the book? The characters? The text's goals? The text's accomplishments? Your understanding?

Once these are IN your notes... please submit your list on a GOOGLE DOC in Google Classroom.  Please remember your MLA Heading!

4. Read to page 50 (Finish Part 1 of The Alchemist)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Class today: Wednesday, August 23rd (Block Day) (Alchemist Reading Schedule)

1. First 4 days QUIZ.

2. Review over Aphorism Homework.

3. Read to page 25 of The Alchemist. As you are reading, keep an eye out for aphorisms as you read. Record this.

4.  As you are reading, in addition to examples of aphorisms, keep track of the major occurrences of plot in your notes.

5. Once your notes are complete for class on Friday, look through your last 4-5 days of notes and make sure that you have everything we have covered so far... think of what you were asked on the quiz... any holes in your notes?

The Alchemist reading schedule:
For Friday, August 25th: to page 25 (* in mid page)
For Monday, August 28th: to page 50 (end of Part 1)
For Tuesday, August 29th: to page 68 (* at top of page)
For Wednesday, August 30th: to to page 87 (* at bottom of page)
For Friday, September 1st: to page 104
For Tuesday, September 5th: to bottom of page 127
For Wednesday, September 6th: to top of page 142
For Friday, September 8th: FINISH THE BOOK (includes Epilogue)

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Class today: Tuesday, August 22nd

1. Coming in to class today, you have explored and reflected upon the characteristics of GRIT, while writing about your own experiences with GRIT!

2. What is the definition of GRIT? Do you recall?

"Your dreams are on the other side of your grit"

-What is the literal meaning of this quote?
-What is the figurative meaning of this quote?

Figurative Language: Words or expressions with meaning that is different from the literal.
Aphorism: A one lined statement that expresses a universal truth about life.

How does the above quote function as an aphorism?

3. Homework for Wednesday/Thursday:
- Aphorism practice... Link found here: APHORISM PRACTICE
- QUIZ: First 4 days quiz.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Friday, August 18th

Congratulations! You made it through the first week of school! And for this success... you are rewarded with a well-deserved ECLIPSE DAY on Monday.. you are welcome ;)

1. First thing for today, you will need to review the syllabus. It is found under "Important Links" to the right. When you are done, please open the following Google Form (FOUND IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM) to confirm that you have read and understood the procedures of this class. If you have any questions about the syllabus, let me know.

2. Make sure that you have completed the yearbook survey!!! (Found on August 16th post)

 3. For today, you were to read and annotate the "5 Characteristics of Grit"... you have also watched Angela Duckworth's "Passion and Perseverance" Ted Talk..  Today you are going to reflect upon the concept of grit in your own lives...

Please provide a written reflection addressing the following prompt:
How have you already exhibited GRIT in your life? How do you hope to enhance your GRITTINESS this year in school? How do you think that GRIT is tied to LEARNING. 

Open up a Google Doc from Classroom... Please put the MLA heading at the top right of your paper. If you need a refresher, there is a MLA Heading Sample found under "Important Links". (Look right).
In your response, you will need to incorporate a minimum of 3 direct quotes from the Perlis "Five Characteristics of Grit" article.

Do you remember how to basically introduce a quote? Here is an example:

Perlis explains, "While courage is hard to measure, it is directly proportional to your level of grit" ("5 Characteristics").

** I put the opening words of the title in the parentheses because I used the authors name in the "tag line" of the quote. There are not page numbers for this source.
Image result for eclipse memes

Thursday, August 17, 2017

For: Friday, August 18th

1. For today, you were asked to annotate the article "What do Students Lose..."  With this, you were asked to come to class with two discussion points/questions/revelations, etc.

Building off our discussion today put into GOOGLE CLASSROOM, as we think about taking risks in leaning, we are going to move to the next idea of GRIT!

2. Definition of GRIT: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals; courage and resolve.

We will be watching Angela Duckworth's TED Talk- "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance"


Take notes on the major points made by Duckworth- Think about your notes like she is giving advice to you... what are your takeaways from this advice?

3. For Friday, please read and take notes over the following article found in Forbes: 5 Characteristics of Grit

REMEMBER: Please complete the Yearbook Survey (posted below). Please finish by Friday!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

First Day! First Day! August 16th!

Awesome Students~ This website will be your best friend this year! I post assignments, notes, assignment sheets, extra help, announcements, funny memes, etc. ALL HERE!!! Please check this daily!

1. Please respond to the "Welcome" Post (See post below) if you haven't already. This was sent in the August 7th email. Please do so by the end of the day today (August 16th-11:59 PM).

2. Yearbook is asking for all English students to take the following interest survey. Please do so by Friday! Yearbook Survey

3. For Thursday, August 17th, please read the article, "What Do Student's Lose By Being Perfect? Valuable Failure". I gave you this in hard-copy form for a specific purpose. I want you to interact with the document by annotating as you read.  Here is a digital copy for you, just in case. Nevertheless, make sure you have a hard copy when you come to class.
"What do Students Lose by Being Perfect" article

Some suggestions in annotating this article..

  • What ideas do you find intriguing? What haven't you thought about before? What do you agree with?Disagree with? 
  • What words spark more dimensions than just the basic denotation (dictionary definition). More emotions? More meaning? Specific perspective/bias? 
  • What can you relate with in this article? What other sides/perspectives do you recognize? 
  • Identify two points that come from your annotations that you can share in discussion on Thursday. Make sure that these are clearly written down.. and findable for class on Thursday. 

For Friday, August 18th

1. For today, you were asked to annotate the article "What do Students Lose..."  With this, you were asked to come to class with two discussion points/questions/revelations, etc.

Building off our discussion today, as we think about taking risks in leaning, we are going to move to the next idea of GRIT!

2. Definition of GRIT: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals; courage and resolve.

We will be watching Angela Duckworth's TED Talk- "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance"


Take notes on the major points made by Duckworth- Think about your notes like she is giving advice to you... what are your takeaways from this advice?

3. For Friday, please read and take notes over the following article found in Forbes: 5 Characteristics of Grit

REMEMBER: Please complete the Yearbook Survey (posted below). Please finish by Friday!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Welcome to English 10~ 2017-2018

I am thrilled to have you be a part of my English 10 class this year! This will be a challenging and fun year! I am all in. I expect the same from my students! No matter what your experiences have been with reading... writing... school... know we all begin at different points! It is my job and pleasure to have all my students end near the same place in May!

This blog needs to be one of your best friends. I will post assignments... due dates... helpful websites... handouts... ALL HERE. Often you will hear me say, "have you checked the blog?"
Most likely you can problem solve... stay organized... be successful if you check this site DAILY.

Therefore, your very first assignment for this school year is to REPLY to this post.
Sign in with your school Google account.
This response must be posted by the end of the day (11:59 PM) on August 16th.
Realize that I do not accept late work and posts are time-stamped.
In your post I would like you to reply to the following prompts:

1. First name and last initial
2. What superhero do you most identify with and why?
3. What is your favorite part of an English class?
4. What is your favorite aspect of your personality?
5. Change is _______  (fill in the blank).

With your responses, you need to keep in mind your audience (me). I would like for you to stay positive and thoughtful. This is your first building block for this course. Make it sturdy.